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Summer 2023


Danagul Azimzhanova, Qatar IS '24

Danagul worked with Ammachi’s Organic Farms in revamping the farm's online presence and marketing strategies.

I have grown a lot throughout this program professionally and personally. It is more than just an internship, as it takes you out of your comfort zone and allows you to see a different global perspective. It immerses you in a different culture, gives you a new home away from home, and brings more meaningful connections and friends into your life. It is not an easy experience, yet it will be an unforgettable summer full of good memories!


I would recommend this program to other students because this is an amazing opportunity to help people in need around the world, make a positive social impact with your work, as well as explore another part of the world. This experience will boost your cultural intelligence and adapt your working habits to different environments.

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Ilona Altman, Decision Science & Art '23

Ilona worked with Ammachi’s Organic Farms in revamping the farm's online presence and marketing strategies.

Ilona, alongside with Danagul, worked to modernize Ammachi's Organic Farm's website, which led to increased website traffic, higher product sales, Airbnb bookings, and YouTube channel views. Additionally, Ilona and Danagul established social media accounts on platforms like Instagram and Facebook, improving the farm's visibility and creating a marketing plan. Furthermore, they set up an educational YouTube platform, empowering Ammachi to share her agricultural knowledge widely, addressing the challenge of knowledge preservation and engaging the community in organic farming. The project significantly increased awareness of Ammachi’s Organic Farms and its traditional organic farming techniques, ensuring the farm's legacy and impact are sustained.

Yidan Xu, MISM '24

Yidan updated various processes and systems with the Financial Intelligence Unit in the Republic of Palau.

Yidan debugged the existing Access database, digitized legacy Currency Transaction Reports and Suspicious Activity Reports from Palau banks, and improved FIU's online presence by updating the official website.


gained invaluable insights from the TCinGC program. It's an excellent opportunity for students seeking to broaden their horizons and for recent graduates looking for a refreshing break. Experiencing diverse work cultures in different countries is an eye-opener, and I found the people to be incredibly kind and supportive. This has been a transformative experience for me.

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Tyler Lowe, IS '23

Tyler simplified lending reports and rebuilt the National Development Bank of Palau website to allow for direct updates and lower costs.

I wanted to do TCinGC because I wanted the opportunity to do something that took me far outside my comfort zone where I could experience a different culture/way of living while getting to use my CMU education for good. I also felt like TCinGC really was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and if I didn't seize it after graduation, I would never get another chance to do something like it (especially after settling into a standard work-life).


I would absolutely recommend this program to other students as a way to get out into the world and experience life while getting a massive opportunity to use your CMU education to create a real, tangible impact in other peoples' lives. I also know that students who do this trip come back more well-rounded, independent, and stronger leaders/thinkers.

Massa Coulibaly, Qatar IS '24
Kekeli Tsoekewo, Qatar BA '25

Massa and Kekeli implemented technological solutions to enhance the Friends Eye Center services and outreach operations.

Massa and Kekeli implemented a Hospital Information Management System that operates both online and offline. This new system aims to streamline operations, improve data management, ensure efficient patient care, and enhance overall organizational efficiency. Second, they created a new website for the Friends Eye Center, establishing a vital online presence for the organization. The website provides detailed information about their healthcare initiatives, facilitates appointment bookings, and transparently communicates the how donations are used. These initiatives ultimately strengthened the Friends Eye Center ability to provide exceptional eye care services to the community in Ghana.

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Sunday Zhou, IS '23

The Palau Financial Institutions Commission was recently tasked with maintaining a corporate registry for the country. Sunday assisted them in designing and implemeting a workstation and workflow for digitizing legacy records and company annual reports.

Throughout TCinGC, I explored and learned how to build a comprehensive end-to-end technical solution for an open-ended problem. Additionally, I grew fond of the people I met in Palau. Through them, I discovered that the world is much broader than I had initially thought, and life beyond college can be filled with adventures and surprises.

Anupama Anilkumar, Qatar IS '24

Anupama worked with the Office of the Attorney General for the Republic of Palau to establish a Sex Offender Registry system.

Anupama developed a Sex Offender Registry system and an Automatic Sex Offender Registration Notice generation system. The new registry system ensures that all sex offenders in the Republic are registered, keeps track of their activities, and provides public access to information about them. The notice generation system simplifies the registration process by generating notices for existing sex offenders. These systems contribute to law enforcement, reduce repetitive sexual offenses, and enhance the management of the Office's Sex Offense crimes database. Anupama's work helps ensure public safety and legal compliance for Palau.

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Zhijie Gao, IS '24
Mujie Zhang, MISM '24

Zhijie and Mujie worked with Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village to implement an alumni management system and introdue software engineering processes.

Zhijie and Mujie implemented an Alumni Management System to enhance alumni engagement and streamline information tracking. This system increased alumni management efficiency, engagement, and the ability to analyze alumni performance. Second, they established industry-level software engineering processes within ASYV by introducing a GitHub repository and a Postgres database. The project had a substantial impact on ASYV, improving alumni relations and laying the foundation for more efficient software development processes, ultimately benefiting the organization's mission of empowering underrepresented Rwandan youth.

Zhijin Wu, IS '24

Zhijin worked with the Palau Ministry of Education to address data management challenges, specifically focusing on data migration and integration for Palau High School. 

Zhijin's project aimed to migrate student data from an outdated Access database to the new AdminPlus system. The existing manual process of transcript generation was time-consuming, taking 20 minutes per student, significantly hindering efficiency. Zhijin's solution involved creating a comprehensive Extract, Transform, and Load workflow for data migration, which included the formulation of a structured Palau High School Data Migration Work Scope. This approach improved accessibility to precise and up-to-date student data, enabled successful data import into AdminPlus, and temporarily solved the transcript generation problem. The project significantly impacted the organization by enhancing data management efficiency and aligning with MOE's mission of delivering quality education. To ensure sustainability, Zhijin recommended establishing a dedicated team for continuous data validation and refinement within the AdminPlus system, fortifying data integrity and operational efficiency.

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